By Laws
Section 1: Name
The name of the organization will be Wedding and Events Directory of North Idaho, also known as WED NI.
Section 2: Purpose
WED NI is a professional wedding trade association comprised of North Idaho businesses and vendors. Our membership is comprised of licensed, insured and professional businesses that are in good standing with the Better Business Bureau.
We aim to provide North Idaho customers with services in every category needed for a wedding or private event. Our goal is to be the first place people go when looking for help for their special event.
As an association and a member of the North Idaho community we plan to give back to the region by utilizing our individual talents together to raise money or support for various North Idaho non-profits. We encourage businesses to join our association and to get involved with our yearly activities.
As an organization, we pledge to conduct ourselves in a fair, cooperative and non-competitive manner to the betterment of all businesses represented in the organization.
It is our desire to be an inclusive organization rather than exclusive and to successfully grow our respective businesses with the help and support of one another.
Section 3: Area
The area that WED NI will serve is focused in the greater North Idaho area.
Section 1: Eligibility
Businesses seeking membership must fill out a membership application, provide copy of business license and proof of insurance if applicable. They will be in good standing with the Better Business Bureau.
Section 2: Termination (Resignation, expulsion and delinquency.)
Any member can make suggestion to request review of any other member for termination based on performance, lack of professionalism, etc. These requests must be made in writing to the organizations officers at an executive board meeting.
Any member may be asked to leave the organization for conduct unbecoming of a member, by a two-thirds vote of a quorum of the executive officers during an executive board meeting. If a vote determines that a member should be asked to leave, that member will have an opportunity, if they choose, for a hearing. The hearing will consist of the organization's officers. If it is determined after the hearing a member will be asked to leave, they will be notified following the hearing.
Section 3: Voting
In any proceeding in which voting by members is called for, each member in good standing shall be entitled to cast one (1) vote
Section 4: Benefits of Membership
A free listing on the WED NI website.
An opportunity to work the WED NI booth at various bridal shows and business fairs.
Networking opportunities at monthly meetings.
Being showcased at a monthly meeting.
Social Media Exposure on Facebook and Instagram
$10 discount if you are currently a member of SWAE.
Taking part in our community fundraising events.
Section 5: Guests
Guests and prospective members may attend up to two meetings before they will be asked to join if they wish to attend further meetings.
Section 1: Membership Meeting Schedule
Meetings shall be held the Third Tuesday of every month. Location will vary at different Member venues and businesses- Notification of Networking meeting will be posted on the WEDNI facebook page, WEDNI website and via email. All meetings will commence from 6-8.
Section 3: Notices, Agenda, Minutes
Members will be given notice of meeting via email at least 2 days prior to the scheduled meeting. Minutes of meetings and the next meeting’s agenda will be posted to the WED NI website prior to the next scheduled meeting. The website address is
ection 4: Duties
The president shall prepare the agenda and run the meeting; Vice President will run the meetings in the absence of the President and provide reports on events committees; Secretary will take down minutes of the meeting and take roll with a sign in sheet; the Treasurer will give a monthly budget report; PR officer will give a report on promotions, website, upcoming calendar of events and advertising; and Membership officer will greet and follow up with visitors, collect and review applications, email membership for feedback on proposed membership, and promote membership drive.
Section 1: Determination of Officers
The officers of the organization shall be a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Public Relations officer, Membership officer, Social Media Officer, Event Coordination officer and Conference, Meeting & Events Coordinator who shall be elected by the general membership. Nominations shall be accepted starting at the February meeting and the new officers shall be elected at the March meeting. Elections shall be held every two years in March during general meeting, time and place designated. Nominees shall be allowed 3 minutes to speak at the March meeting prior to voting. Nominees must be members who are in good standing and have attended at least 6 of the 12 meetings in the last year. Officers must be a WEDNI member for at least four months before running for office. Each officer shall only be allowed to serve two consecutive years in the same office with a one year break before re-nomination.
Section 2: Duties of Officers
The President will preside at all meetings of the organization. They shall give due notice of all meetings to members of the organization. They will submit the monthly meeting minutes to the web master for publishing and shall be the final approval for any and all publications/advertising meant for the public eye. The President will create agenda for all meetings.
The Vice President shall have all the powers of the President and act in their absence. The Vice President shall arrange and schedule all meetings and will determine venues for such meetings. The Vice President shall also serve as the special event coordinator and committee chair, and shall give the committee report at monthly meetings. They shall appoint members of committees.
The Secretary shall be the clerk of the organization and shall keep a record of the proceedings at each meeting. They shall provide a written record of the minutes to the President within one week following of the meeting.
The Treasurer shall collect annual membership dues per member. The Treasurer shall invest the membership dues in an interest bearing bank account. The Treasurer will provide the membership with an accounting of the WED NI bank account at each monthly meeting. The Treasurer will send out statements for membership annually at renewal time.
Public Relations:
The Public Relation Officer shall be the WED NI’s link to the media. They shall be responsible for the notice and publication of press releases, events, activities and meetings, Facebook, website reports, and calendar. The Public Relations Officer will disperse brochures. The Public Relations Officer may form a committee to assist in media development to include, but not limited to the Webmaster, and other volunteers to assist with printed organizational literature and distribution.
Membership Officer:
The Membership Officer will greet each potential member or guest, and follow up with visitors. Membership Officer will actively promote membership through a membership packet, collect and review new applications, email membership for feedback on proposed membership, present recommendations for new membership to executive officers at board meetings, and introduce new members once approved. The Membership Officer will be in charge of ongoing Membership Drive.
The Webmaster is the person responsible for maintenance of the organization's website. This person is appointed by the board and any webpage created or maintained by such person is the property of the organization. The domain name will be The Webmaster will work cohesively with/under the Public Relations Officer and Public Relations Committee.
Section 3: Quorums
At any duly called meeting of WED NI two thirds of the membership must be present to constitute a quorum. At any duly called Executive board meeting, two thirds of board members must be present to constitute a quorum.
Section 4: Meetings
Officers must attend at least 8 general membership and at least 3 quarterly held board meetings. Board Meetings will be scheduled in May, August, November, and February, but may be rescheduled with notification during the current quarter to accommodate room and officer availability. In the case an officer exceeds the limit of missed meetings, they will be asked to step down. Notice of absence must be given within a reasonable amount of time to the President (recommended 24 hours notice).
Section 1: Dues
The organization will collect annual dues in the amount of $150.00 ($140.00 to current members of SWAE). Dues shall be due on March 31st of every year. Statement for dues shall be mailed to members no later than January 31st of every year. If any members shall fail to pay their dues, a written notice shall be sent informing them that their membership is under review for expiration by the board and renewal may be denied. Any members joining during the course of the year shall have their dues quarterly pro-rated for the balance of that year. Hardship allowance is requested in writing, reviewed confidentially and left to the discretion of the board.
Section 2: Expenses
The officers will take a vote before incurring any expenses over $150 by two thirds vote.
Section 3: Investments
The Treasurer shall collect and invest the membership dues.
Parliamentary Authority
Section 1: Robert’s Rules
Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the final source of authority in all questions of parliamentary procedures.
Special Events & Bridal Shows
Special events sponsored by WED NI shall not exclude businesses that are not members of WED NI.WED NI shall serve solely as the sponsor and organizer of the event and will not represent all parties involved.
[ Revised and Approved on 11/17/19]